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SRAM, DRAM, and EPROM ICs > CY7C128-35 2k x 8 SRAM IC
CY7C128-35 2k x 8 SRAM IC

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Price: $6.49
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: CY7C128A-35-N

CY7C128A-35 2k x 8 35ns Static RAM IC. New, narrow DIP packaging.

Pin compatible with the TMM2018 and CXK5814 SRAM chips that are found in Neo Geo MVS systems.

Currently we are substituting part number IDT6116SA35TP for these. They are 2k x 8, 35ns, and pin compatible with the TMM2018, CXK5814, and CY7C128A ICs.






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