eye tracking systems by Arrington Research, Inc.

Arrington Research Eye Tracker User Interface
ViewPoint EyeTracker®

Easy to use eye tracking: The same great ViewPoint software provides the backbone for all of our products. A powerful combination of reliable data, easy user interface and sophisticated controls - a complete eye movement monitoring environment.
 User Interface
The ViewPoint EyeTracker® user interface makes eye tracking easy. The eye tracker provides the user with pre-set defaults that are appropriate for most situations and also provides serious control to override those defaults. Preferred settings can be saved and reloaded automatically at startup to save time.. more>>
 Interface Links
ViewPoint Software provides real-time interfaces to other applications, either on the same computer or on a remote computer.. more>>
 Data Analysis
ViewPoint provides real time feedback of eye data and flexible posthoc data..more>>
 Ocular Torsion
Torsion is the rotation of the eye-ball about the line of sight, i.e. rotation about the z-axis. ViewPoint measures torsion .. more>>