Tympanoplasty (Eardrum Perforation & Reconstruction)

Ear Surgery Information Center
Wonderful site that is very in-depth and helps you to understand the procedure.   Excellent for patients and students.

Grand Rounds Presentation on Tympanoplasty
Very informative website.

The Learning Center on Tympanoplasty
Looks at the pediatric side of Tympanoplasty.  Very general and easy to understand.

Mayo Clinic on Tympanoplasty
Great break down of the procedure and what exactly happens.

Baylor College on Tympanoplasty
Advanced website with in-depth reading.

Surgery Encyclopedia
Large print article on tympanoplasty that also has questions for patients to ask.  Very useful to really understand the procedure without getting to technical.

Pediatric ENT Associates
The best website that I have seen that shows pictures while explaining the procedure.  Very nice!

MedLine Plus.. Eardrum Repair
Basic information for patients about the procedure.

Michigan Ear Institute
Excellent images of the procedure.

Images of Tympanoplasty … Dr. Sullivan
Very good images if the computer has good graphics.  These are from Dr. Roy Sullivan’s video otoscopy web page.  There are several at this location.