The Not-So-Vanishing Deductible

Dan Vanoy of Tru2Form Body Repair called yesterday, saying that the body work to Ooo Shinee has been finished. This is good news, and at the same time, not so good.

This completion of the body work is very poorly timed. The second week of each month is when the automatic payments for auto insurance, FDB Loans, and my debt managenent plan come out of my account. I have to carefully watch my account through this period (especially that all-important pending queue, which likes to rearrange payments from big to small) and make careful calculations of what I can do, taking into consideration the Evil Banking Formula. I have to know what’s coming out and when. And I have the automatic payments scheduled in Yahoo Calendar to tell me when to look for them.

I have talked to both Nationwide and Tru2Form about my difficulty in coming up with the deductible immediately, and asked them if they can reduce it. Both say that their hands are tied by contract law and other strict rules. No help there.

Also, no immediate help from Anapol Schwartz, which is still in the investigating stages of the class action lawsuit against PNC bank. Attorney Ken Grunfeld says that while I definitely look like the class of customers the firm wants to represent, there is no leverage he can apply against PNC right now.

We shall wait and see.

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