AcroRd32.exe Prevent Acrobat Reader from Staying Open

When you visit a website that links to a pdf, then close the pdf file, the AcroRd32.exe will not close, it will sit open, using your resources and memory on your PC until you restart.

This simple fix will disable that function of Acrobat reader and take back the memory.


Responses to “AcroRd32.exe Prevent Acrobat Reader from Staying Open”

  1. akram Avatar

    thank you

  2. ash Avatar

    thanks for this info.
    hope it saves me the harassment.

  3. breisa Avatar

    hmmm… I’m having a similar problem. 🙁
    I can’t do these steps because Adobe Reader closes right after clicking preferences. T_T

    1. allscoop Avatar


      You might have a problem with the Reader software, I would try to download the latest version, then try the steps again and see if that helps.

      1. Carlos Cahuas Avatar
        Carlos Cahuas

        I had the same problem; Acrobat Reader would close immediately, not allowing me to apply the “fix.”
        I had to uninstall the program, reinstall, then apply the fix.
        BTW, reinstalling the program didn’t solve the problem; it only allowed me more time to apply the “fix” discussed here.
        Thank you.

  4. Jane Scott Avatar
    Jane Scott

    I cannot open some attachments because of an internal error and then a message Instruction at “0x00B5ae65 referenced memory at 0x00000038”. What is going on?

  5. Bas Grevelink Avatar
    Bas Grevelink

    Great stuff. I’m killing a lot of processes now to speed up my PC, finally! Thanks!

  6. G/kiros Avatar

    Thank U, I save my resource.

  7. Rick Avatar

    The box was NOT checked when I opened as you suggested, yet AcroRd32.exe is still using 40+ MB of memory! What’s with this?

  8. Dena Avatar

    Thank you so much for saving me the hassle of reading through tons of useless data before finding a solution.

  9. Priscila Avatar

    Obrigada pela ajuda! Estava com medo de que esse problema fosse tão grave a ponto de ter q formatar meu computador! hihi!

  10. Brian Avatar

    Very many thanks

  11. rohit mishra Avatar
    rohit mishra

    yes, this was very helpful

  12. Jerry Avatar

    I did as you suggested, now instead of AcroRd32.exe using 50% of cpu’s, I have two instances of AcroRd32 taking up 100% of cpu’s. Had to kill both in Task Manager to regain use of computer.

  13. JT Avatar

    Thank you. This clear solution is very effective and helful.

  14. Lucy Avatar

    Glad I found this – thought I had a virus!
    I had 2 instances of acrord32.exe – one using 99% of cpu
    Hate acrobat – hate the constant do you want to update nonsense…
    Have to have it because the HMRC use it and nitropdf doesn’t display all their forms correctly

  15. Neil Avatar

    Did this yesterday. It works! This is the simplest and most effective fix ever. Thanks!

  16. Meg Avatar

    Thank you soo much, this was using up all my memory and I was waiting for ages to open documents 🙂

  17. Deborah Avatar

    Amazing. My CPU usage went from 100% to down to 55%

  18. Ted Avatar

    I greatly appreciate your suggestion. If only Adobe & other software developers were on top of issues like this, we users would save endless hours of frustration.

  19. Bob Avatar

    This did not lower my CPU usage, do I still have to stop these processes in the task manager or not?

  20. Muhammad Ata Ul Aleem Siddiqui Avatar
    Muhammad Ata Ul Aleem Siddiqui

    Thank you very much. I was really upset with this problem…

  21. salim hamdan Avatar
    salim hamdan

    plz i will followed this steps but this problem not fixed . the games in laptop not openned plz help me now

  22. Michael Avatar

    I tried this and in Acrobat X, it doesn’t allow me to turn off the option. It’s grayed out. Anyone have ideas?

  23. Hap Avatar

    thank you…

  24. Balazs Avatar

    Thank you, this thing still works after two years.

    I don’t fully understand though why it works, because I’m not even opening my pdfs in a browser, but anyway…

  25. JD Avatar

    Tang you some verry much, CPU went from ~ 65% to ~9%.
    Most helpful, unlike Adobe.

  26. CJ Avatar

    Thank you! I can now complete my study!!!! What a relief.

  27. Bill Schley Avatar
    Bill Schley

    Thanks for the solution. Can i make a donation by PayPal?

    I’m also tired of Adobe Reader having constant downloads, is there an alternative program that would replace it?


  28. AHMED Avatar

    Thanks for the solution. Can i make a donation by PayPal?

    I’m also tired of Adobe Reader having constant downloads, is there an alternative program that would replace it?


  29. Kryst Avatar

    Thanks, it was really perfect now.

  30. Lourie Avatar

    I have had this problem for some time. In the latest version of Adobe the Display PDF browser option is no longer present but has been replaced by a link to where various options are given depending on the browser being used.

    In the case of Firefox it suggests disabling the Firefox Adobe addon which I have now done and it seems to have solved the problem fore me. So they are saying the problem is in the addon and not in Adobe.

  31. sachin Avatar

    I have Reader 11 (verions installed. When I open and close the application there is still an Adobe process running. On my Windows XP machine, it takes over 100% of processing and the CPU fans kicks into high gear!

    I found that if I changed the properties of AcroRd32.exe, the process quit when the application closes. Select the Advanced button on the General tab and uncheck the Archive/Indexing attributes.

    1. Jpknada Avatar

      I confirm sachin saying: uncheck “Allow this file to have contents indexed in addition to file properties” in the Advanced Attributes of the AcroRd32.exe file resolves the problem.

  32. David Avatar

    With the most recent update to Adobe Reader, the “Display PDF in browser” box is no longer there to uncheck? Now what.

  33. Said Avatar

    Its really an issue, bug. That solution solves the problem. Thanks. I could not reopen any file before kill task

  34. Appollo Creed Avatar
    Appollo Creed

    Thanks Jpknada your solution worked for latest versions

  35. sqaeng Avatar

    This works for Internet Explorer. See the website for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari.

  36. Artur Zgadzaj Avatar

    Very nice and helpful, thank you.
    Allow me to convey their own work in this regard.

    Another way through the closing process of loading system. There is then no need for any changes to the registry, parameters or settings Acrobat Reader. Batch script prepared by default closes Acrord32.exe process and to this end has been designed, but the script can be used to close as any other process too burdensome system, which was suspended when the script calls to the appropriate parameter. If this parameter contains a long name with a space, you must enclose the parameter in quotation marks. Inside the script, to the beginning of the several parameters can be determined, for example. Time of suspension, the time of re-checking, or where the report is to be created (LOG). The script closes all processes meet the criteria for any user, of course, not the system that can not be closed. Can be useful on the server, the work of many users. The script is optimized in order to minimize itself burdened processor.
    Thank you for the opportunity to share this.

    Copy the following text and save as a file Batch (extension .BAT) with any filename that You want.
    @echo off
    REM Automatic closing Acrobat Reader or other process parameter specified in the call, which too much high the CPU
    REM Preparing: Artur Zgadzaj other interests:
    REM —————————————————————————————————————

    SET IDLE_TIME_[seconds]=5



    FSUTIL | findstr /I “volume” > nul&if not errorlevel 1 goto Administrator_OK

    echo *******************************************************
    echo *** R U N A S A D M I N I S T R A T O R ***
    echo *******************************************************
    echo Call up just as the Administrator. Abbreviation can be done to the script and set:
    echo Shortcut ^> Advanced ^> Run as Administrator
    echo Alternatively, a single run “Run as Administrator”
    echo or in the Schedule tasks with highest privileges
    pause > nul

    SET WD=day
    if “%~1″==”” (SET Close_Process=AcroRd32.exe) else (SET “Close_Process=~%~1”)
    Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

    echo Automatic closing %Close_Process%, which are charged to the processor too …&echo.&echo.

    FOR /F “tokens=2,7,8 delims=,” %%A IN (‘%SystemRoot%\System32\tasklist.exe /v /FO CSV^|find /I ^”%Close_Process%^”‘) DO (

    SET PROC=%%C
    SET PROC=!PROC:”=!

    FOR /F “tokens=2,3 delims=:” %%s IN (“!PROC!”) DO (SET PR=%%t
    if “!PR:~0,1!”==”0” (SET /A PROC_TIME=%%s*60+!PR:~1,1!) else (SET /A PROC_TIME=%%s*60+!PR:~0,2!))

    if !PROC_TIME! GTR %IDLE_TIME_[seconds]% (
    SET PID=%%A
    SET PID=!PID:”=!

    %SystemRoot%\system32\taskkill.exe /PID !PID! /F

    SET B=%%B
    SET Process_User=!B:”=!

    if not “!DATE_WD!”==”%DATE%” ((FOR /F “tokens=1″ %%W IN (‘POWERSHELL GET-DATE -format dddd’) DO SET WD=%%W)&&SET DATE_WD=%DATE%)
    echo %TIME:~0,8% ^(Hanging: !PROC:~-5!^) !Process_User! >>”%LOG_FOLDER%\%DATE:-=.% ^(!WD:~0,3!^) Close_%Close_Process%.TXT”

    goto again

    1. Artur Zgadzaj Avatar

      Littile mistake in the end of line (without sign “~”):

      if “%~1″==”” (SET Close_Process=AcroRd32.exe) else (SET “Close_Process=~%~1″)

      Correct is:

      if “%~1″==”” (SET Close_Process=AcroRd32.exe) else (SET “Close_Process=%~1″)

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